High quality base paint for painting plastics and acrylic paints. It has a high pigment power to create infinite shades. If applied as it is, it has resistance to frequent washing, is user-friendly, easy to work with, spreads evenly and is almost odorless.
»High pigment strength
»Effective coverage
»Ease of mixing
»On surfaces with stain problems: First use the KRAFT ECO STAIN BLOCKER AQUA stain insulator as a substrate.
»Mixing with plastic / acrylic paint: In case of use for painting white paints, very good stirring by hand or with a stirrer is required before application.
»Before starting the painting, dilute 5-15% by volume. In tap water and stir well.
»Painting tools: Brush, roller and airless gun.
»Apply 2 coats of KRAFT MASTER BASICS or color-painted with KRAFT MASTER BASICS for an ideal result.
»Minimum repaint time: 5-7 hours.
»Surface drying: 1-2 hours at 25 ° C and relative humidity 50%. Drying time is affected by weather conditions.
“It is not advisable to apply the paint topically after the surface has been painted. There may be a difference in gloss or hue due to absorbency or application. If necessary, total painting of the surface is recommended.
” Do not apply at temperatures below 5°C and above 35°C and above 65% relative humidity.
»Immediately clean tools after use with warm soapy water.
»Close the container tightly to keep it in good condition for future use and store it before and after use in a cool place away from direct sunlight or frost.
€24,20 €22,90
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